CRM currently provides the following services:

Complimentary feasibility studies & investigator matching
- CRM evaluates feasibility studies/request that are forwarded by sponsors/CROs and disseminates them to a large pool of potential investigators.
- CRM assists investigators who are interested to take-on the trial to complete and submit the feasibility study/request to the sponsor or CRO.
- Contact us today for complimentary feasibility studies.

Consultation and management of clinical trial budget
- CRM advices investigators and sponsors/CROs on the clinical trial budget. This service ensures that resources are sufficient in order to complete all obligations of the clinical trial.
- CRM manages the trial budget with full transparency and schedule reports to investigators and the sponsor/CRO (CRM charges a fee of 20% above the value of the trial budget which will be utilised to finance its operations and training programmes to up skill investigators and support staff).
- Read all about CRM’s financial management service in this article

Review of Clinical Trial Agreement (CTA) & Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- CRM assists investigators & sponsors/CROs by reviewing and advising on Clinical Trial Agreements (CTAs) & Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDAs).
- CRM’s experienced legal team will provide assistance to review the CTA/NDA.
- Watch this video to learn more of CRM’s Legal Department services and initiatives.
- CTA Legal Review Fee
- CTA System
- Legal Enquiries

Development & placement of study coordinators
- CRM recruits suitably qualified candidates and trains them to become capable Study Coordinators (SCs) who will then be placed at trial sites in order to assist investigators.
- CRM currently has a pool of close to 130 trained SCs based in major clinical research centres nationwide.
- Watch this video to learn more of CRM’s Study Coordinator Services

One-stop centre for the industry
- CRM assists industry players in resolving issues or delays faced with government agencies and regulators (eg. MREC, MDA, NPRA, IRBs) that may delay the approval or initiation of trials.
- Access relevant guidelines and resources here

Improving public and patient awareness
- CRM engages with a variety of patient support groups and NGOs, undertakes advertising and promotional events, and seeks to generate positive media coverage to spread the word about clinical research, generate goodwill and to facilitate patient recruitment.
- Click on this link to learn more about CRM’s I AM AWARE Program.

Growing the pool of investigators and sites
- CRM continuously attracts and develops potential new investigators and sites in both the public & private healthcare system.
- Interested to be a clinical trial investigator? Register here

Training related to Clinical Research
- CRM organizes various subsidized training programs for investigators and support staff in order to improve their capabilities to undertake ISR.
- Refresher courses on Good Clinical Practise (GCP) are also held for doctors and support staff.
- Don’t forget to head to CRM’s activities to find out on CRM’s latest programs/ activities

Clinical Trial Advertisement
- CRM runs clinical trial advertisement as sponsored ads via Facebook and Instagram
- These ads are pre-set to reach to targeted audience based on location, and/ or any other criteria.
- Interested respondents could register their details which would be shared with study sites for screening.

Study Material Destruction Service
- CRM supports sponsors/ study team by arranging for study material destruction for the expired and unused IP/ related materials.
- CRM engages with reliable service provider that provides proper and adequate handling level on clinical waste disposal service.