Hospital CRC for Hospital Sultanah Aminah Johor Bahru (HCRC_HSAJB) was established in 2007 within the network of CRCs in the Ministry of Health Malaysia. HCRC_HSAJB primarily functions to support and build research capacity among healthcare professionals within the state of Johor. In its duties, HCRC_HSAJB strives to promote the conduct of high quality and ethically responsible research that matters to patients in Hospital Sultanah Aminah.
From time to time, HCRC_HSAJB organizes professional development courses and assists clinicians in the conduct of their clinical research projects as well as provide guidance to new investigators and researchers on study design, methodology, protocol writing, manuscript preparation, and statistics consultation.
HCRC_HSAJB has 2 working locations: an administrative office located on the Fifth Floor of the main building (Bangunan Induk) of Hospital Sultanah Aminah and a single-storey clinical research one-stop centre located next to finance unit of the hospital.